Dear Family and Friends,
As many of you already know, Jeff and I are adopting a son. Our son was born in China on July 20, 2006. He is currently being cared for by his foster family while we wait for permission to travel to China and complete the adoption.
While waiting for Maizie, I made a “100 Good Wishes Quilt” for her. Many of you contributed to her quilt with a chosen fabric and wish. As you can see by the enclosed picture, the quilt turned out beautifully. Maizie likes to flip through the scrap book of wishes and admire the fabrics you chose.
We would like to make a quilt for our son also and need your help once again.
If you would like to participate, please send me enough fabric for two 8” x 8” squares. The fabric should be 100% cotton. Any print that chose will be perfect as there is no theme to the quilt fabrics. You do not need to cut the squares. You might find it easiest to purchase a fat quarter or ¼ yard of fabric. Do not worry about pre-washing the fabric as I will do that also. Additionally, please enclose a wish written on any type of note card, greeting card or paper. Good wishes may include a poem, religious verse, favorite saying or quote. The purpose of the wish is to identify who contributed, what fabric they contributed and their joy in our son’s arrival.
I would like to have the quilt completed before we travel. We anticipate traveling sometime between December and March. If you intend to contribute please send the fabric and wish to us by October 1, 2007. If you would like to be included but are not able to send fabric by then, please send a wish and I will select a fabric for you.
We will continue to update our blog with news on Maizie, our son and our travels. You can visit us at: www.mingmaizie.blogspot.com.
We want to thank all of you for your contributions. We truly enjoyed receiving the fabric and wishes for Maizie and eagerly anticipate the enjoyment your wishes for Bo will bring us.
Jeff, Carrie and Maizie
I will be mailing out the above letter in the next few days. If you have viewed this letter on our blog and would like to contribute but do not have our address, please email me and I will let you know were to send the wish and fabric to.
I'm putting one in the mail today. Lauren has the same shirt Maizie is wearing in her quilt picture. :-)
i can see my contributions!!
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