Today was rather uneventful. We met our guides in the morning and went to the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees. This is a Buddhist temple with a large pagoda in the center. There are also lots of bonsai trees and flowers in the temple. Maizie was blessed by a Buddhist monk.

This afternoon, while Carrie was watching Maizie during one of her naps, I wandered off Shamian Island to get KFC. Although tourists are generally encouraged to stay on the island, my adventure was really was an easy trip and I never felt lost or in danger. Judging from the asking price I saw in the many stores between our hotel and the KFC, I think that much better bargains on souvenirs and clothes can be had off the island and I will try to leave the island to do some shopping in the next couple of days.
Maizie continues to do well. She is eating and sleeping well. She is a happy baby and blows raspberries with her tongue. She laughs a lot and easily. Although she hasn't cried our fussed much, her laughter makes me want to cry; it is the sweetest sound I have ever heard.
What an awesome adventure! I loved being in China!
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