25 June 2006 -- Two Weeks with Maizie

Today marks two weeks with Maizie. She continues to amaze Carrie and me. I have no way of knowing for sure, but I think that the bonding is going fairly well as Maizie looks for both of us when we are out of the room and is very comfortable with both of us. We seem to spend a lot of time passing her back and forth as she wants both of us to hold her.
Maizie had a Dr.’s appointment on Friday. Her pediatrician confirmed that she looks great and is in good health. The four vaccinations, TB test and blood draw however put Maizie in a bad mood. It was very difficult to watch her go through this.
Yesterday, June 24, was Maizie’s Great Grandma King’s birthday and she came over to see Maizie. Here is a picture of Maizie with her Great Grandma.

Welcome home guys! I hope you all are getting into a schedule. Sounds like things are working out great! We can't wait to meet her!
Hey, I goofed. That last comment was from Matt and I.
Welcome home!!! Time passes so quickly. Enjoy every single second with Maizie! I know what I'm talking about!! I swear Cullen was a baby just yesterday and now he's 9.5 years-old. Thank you for letting me stalk you!!! Get some rest and see you on the group!
Sam (JC Group)
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